Spring Sports Preview 2021
March 26, 2021
It’s March, which means the beginning of spring sports season. All teams started tryouts and practices this past week in preparation for a full season this year.
There have been some changes, just like the other sports seasons, to accommodate for COVID. There are still no locker rooms available, and masks are required for most sports, unless social distancing happens. Most sports will pick up with games and meets right after spring break, which means spring break practices.
“Kids travel for spring break which I understand,” head track and field coach Demitrius Bell said. “We try to get workouts ready before the kids leave so wherever you’re at home here’s some workouts you can do without equipment.”
For bigger sports, like track, have been breaking into smaller groups so they don’t have to have a large number quarantine if someone were to contract COVID.
“It’s a running, jumping and throwing sport which can be difficult to keep the mask on,” Bell said. “We just try to tell people if you need to catch your breath go get some space by yourself, take off your mask and then come back with everyone.”
Having last season get canceled it’s been almost a year off for these teams, getting back into the swing of the season coaches say has not been much of a problem.
“Actually no I think they are all ready to go,” head softball coach Cynthia Adams said. “They have been playing their club ball teams so they are definitely ready to get on the field.”
Expectations and goals for these teams have not taken much of a hit either, coaches still are focusing on individual improvement along with team building strategies.
“Since these girls have missed an entire season, just getting to know each other and getting a really good team bond because there are so few girls and they already missed a season so just being able to get to play is the number one thing,” Adams said.