Did you smell sizzling steak throughout the building on Thursday, Dec. 7?
Horticultural teacher Mathew Milhlom held a “Steak Lab” to teach Plant and Animal Science students about beef and quality assurance.
“Right now [we are] learning every single cut you can get from a cow,” junior Chloe Karnei said. “Every single retail cut that [stores] sell. We know the whole handling process, from the cow to it being on someone’s plate.”
Milholm cooked two cuts of steaks in the Green Tech area, including top loin boneless and tenderloin steak, which he shared amongst his animal science students and several staff members.

“I prefer the tenderloin steak, which is also known as a filet,” Milholm said.
Each student got their top loin steak to eat while celebrating the end of their beef quality assurance unit.
Milholm also taught the students how to cook a steak properly and the different cooking variations.
“We cooked [the steaks] medium rare,” Milholm said.
Due to the juniors in this course learning digestive and reproductive systems, meat quality and nutrition, they get this luxury to participate in this lab.
“This is something that only my juniors get to do every year,” Milholm said. “So it’s kind of like I’m privileged to have a steak party.”