Burnout and How to Deal With It


Miranda Elgin, Writer

It’s getting to that time of year; finals are coming up and the sweet taste of summer vacation is just out of reach.

As the year comes to a close, it can get hard to find the motivation to do almost anything, especially school work and socializing in general. Burnout is a common experience for students once those final few weeks are reached. 

What’s burnout?

Everyone, whether they’re young or old, has experienced burnout at least once in their lives. However, some may not know how to label how they’re feeling. 

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and/or mental exhaustion. Usually, this feeling is caused by excessive stress, but it can also be caused by doing a certain activity over and over again for a prolonged period. 

With burnout, it’s common to feel rather numb, overwhelmed, drained, and unmotivated. A lot of the time, dealing with burnout can cause disinterest in hobbies and the things you like. 

How to deal with it?

Burnout can be hard to deal with; that’s kind of a given. 

A good way to lessen the feeling of being unmotivated and exhausted is to reach out to someone. Professionals, friends, family, or even school admin are there to help and understand how you’re feeling. 

Another way to help is to change the way you work. Being in a constant, immutable work environment can cause a sense of tiredness and a need for something different. 

It’s easier said than done but changing your attitude towards working, the amount of time you work, and when you work are all factors that can change your outlook on everyday life. 

Aside from that, changing the way you interact with others will drastically affect how you feel about the world around you.

Setting and sticking to boundaries, taking breaks from technology or socializing, getting enough sleep, and setting time aside for relaxation can improve your mental state and can create a healthy atmosphere for you and your work. 

Ending comments 

You are not alone. Everyone experiences burnout at some point; it’s normal. 

Help is available, whether it be from professionals or simply just using coping mechanisms.

The National Suicide Hotline is 988

Be nice to others, you have no idea what someone is going through.

Have patience with yourself and the people around you.

Be sure to check in on yourself and your mental health regularly.