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Ho Ho No

Illustration of fall leaves blowing around a Christmas tree decorated with fall colored ornaments.
Illustration of fall leaves blowing around a Christmas tree decorated with fall colored ornaments.
Illustration by Avery Mathieu


For a lot of people, Christmas starts on Nov. 1. In their mind, the second the clock hits midnight on Oct. 31, it is officially Christmastime.

 I have always hated this idea and I firmly think that Christmas starts the day after Thanksgiving.

On Black Friday, instead of going shopping, my family would get out all of our decorations and change our house from fall to Christmas. 

Thanksgiving has always been my mom’s favorite holiday, so we wouldn’t start celebrating Christmas until after Thanksgiving was completely over. So, I may just think Thanksgiving shouldn’t start this early because it was the way I was raised, but I also think we shouldn’t rush the holidays.

For me at least, I look forward to the holidays the entire year. They are such a fun time. I’m not in school, I get to stay in and do what I want because it’s too cold to go out and I get to spend time with my family, but the biggest event is Christmas. Everyone always complains about Winter and how they hate having to stay inside and do nothing. But, I think that if you hold off on starting Christmas you can have more fun celebrating in December. This way you can enjoy the month more.

This year I went on TikTok on Halloween and was bombarded with Christmas music all over my For You Page. Whenever I say that I don’t want to listen to Christmas music, people respond with, “What else would we listen to?” or, “What Thanksgiving songs are there?” and I don’t think it makes sense. No, there aren’t any Thanksgiving songs, but that doesn’t mean the default should be Christmas music. The other 10 months of the year, you listen to whatever music you like, so why do people think that you have no option other than Christmas music in November.

Winter doesn’t even start until Dec. 21, but people act like it is Christmas in November. But, it’s still fall and as someone that looks forward to fall and the beautiful scenery it comes with I want to make fall last as long as the calendar says.

If you start to celebrate Christmas on Nov. 1, you have almost eight weeks of Christmas. I think that eight weeks is too much to celebrate a one day holiday. If you start to celebrate Christmas after Thanksgiving, you get about four weeks of Christmas which I think is still more than enough of a buildup for one day.

I have four weeks to celebrate Christmas and still I think that is too much. I love Christmas and I look forward to it every year, but with the amount of buildup it has, by Christmas day I’m not even excited for the holiday anymore. I feel like the holiday is already over before it even starts because I just spent weeks celebrating it.

I think we should enjoy the time we are living in while we are living in it. Christmas is in December, so I don’t think we should begin celebrating in November, or even October for some people. We should enjoy our life in the moment and not what our life will be in a month when it is actually time.

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