A Night to Remember


Hannah Snakenberg and Jack Miller

Olathe West hosted its first homecoming dance on Sept. 30. Over 600 students from varying grades and schools attended. Students and staff enjoyed their time at the dance and worked to start a tradition at West. 

“I thought it was really fun and energetic–and a lot of school spirit” said head librarian Mrs. Massey. She expressed how she was pleasantly surprised by the turnout and the behavior. Massey is also excited to see that students and staff are both eager to start new traditions at West. 

The theme of the first homecoming dance was New Moon. The gym was draped in black curtains, lit only with colorful lights and a projected moon on the wall.  

“It was very uplifting–the decorations, the lights” said sophomore Andrew Piette. He enjoyed the atmosphere at the dance, and only wishes there was more space. 

Some students decide to go to the dance because they knew they would make memories to last a lifetime. Homecoming only happens four times in a high school career, so students want to make the most of them. 

“high school only happens once” said sophomore Julianne Ludlow. She had fun at homecoming and wished they played a greater variety of music. 

While some people want to make the most of their homecoming, others had important reasons not to go, like freshman Nathan Ambessie.  

“I didn’t really feel like going this year because my family came from… Minnesota and D.C.,” said Ambessie. He decided to stay home because he was busy with his family that day. 

Overall, the first Olathe West homecoming dance will be one that will go in the history books. Though everyone had different experiences, the school came together to have fun at the dance that night. 

“I thought [students] had a great time cutting loose and dancing” said Massey.